We started by looking at dresses and they each got a feel for what I am thinking (wear what you want as long as it looks good), and I got to see what they like (pockets and prints). It was a fun playful way for everyone to meet and a great way to break the ice.
After that, we all came to my house and finished making the snacks together. I was the ring leader so I gave everyone jobs and together we finished what would have taken me hours in just a few minutes.
It was a wonderful day and everyone meshed so well! I have an amazing group of friends standing up for me and we all had a great time together. I have a feeling there is a lot more to come!
I forgot to get a picture of us (major bummer), but I did snap a few pics of the desert table before everyone came over. What do you think? Not too bad for my first try.

If you are wondering what happened to the pink treat on the far left tray all I can say is so am I. They were even but I think a little Brett monster might have gotten to one.
Thanks for hosting an awesome get together. Who knew you had even more people in your life as cool as me. Can't wait to see everyone again!