I was watching Top Chef (on DVR) last night and they were in Las Vegas cooking up delicious breakfast food. It made me want to go to Vegas or eat a gourmet, hearty breakfast, or better yet both. The yummy looking food and beautiful presentation made me think further about a breakfast for the out-of-town guests and wedding party the morning after the wedding.
Oh, wouldn't it be lovely, to wake up to a bloody mary bar with little towers of fluffy pancakes and crispy bacon ... I better stop, I am making myself very hungry. I have heard of venues throwing these in for free in this economy to get people to book or to spring for the open bar. My aunt also offered to throw a breakfast for us at my house and it is tempting, because she is an amazing cook. However, I would feel bad having her do all that just for my bacon craving. I don't want a gift opening so I am not sure what people would do to entertain themselves. I guess talk, reminisce about the previous night and laugh. I suppose it could be like a more relaxing version of the rehearsal dinner. This idea will require more thought.
So you know how they say men usually do the exact opposite of what you tell them?Or is that children they say that about?I guess sometimes there isn’t much difference.
Brett definitely falls into this category.I am not the type to tell him he “can’t” do something, but if I was he would probably laugh and run right along and do what I had said not to.This is where the cake in the face problem comes in.I DO NOT want cake in my face on my wedding day.I know everyone laughs and thinks it is cute when the bride and groom shove cake up each others' noses (they usually miss the mouth) but then I have cake on my face, which is no fun.I know it might sound vain but I just don’t want to muck up my makeup with frosting.And knowing Brett, who always spills a portion of dinner on himself it will get on him or worse on my dress!
However, I don’t want to tell him not to put cake in my face because the bigger deal I make of it the funnier he will think it is when he does it.But it is important to me (as stupid as this sounds I really don’t want cake shoved in my face one bit…not at all…zilch) and therefore I feel I should tell him.I guess at least I have a few months to mull this one over.
P.S. I will look as upset as the girl in the picture above if I do get dessert smeared on my face during the cake cutting. However, I think she is joking and I would not be.
Pictures with sun spots get me every time. I love pictures that are flooded with light and have orbs of sunlight that dance in front of the bride and groom. I hope to get some just like these on my wedding day.
I never just re-post things that I find on other blogs.However, the advice below from Liz who was a Wedding Graduate on A Practical Wedding blog had the most amazing advice.The Wedding Graduate brides usually have some great advice but what Liz said really resonated with me.Here are a few of the things Liz brought up.
A. It’s not about you. We always hear this with regard to including the groom in the planning. Don’t limit yourself here. Make the day about your relationship, your families, your friends, anyone who has been there along the whole process that ended in your marriage (and will keep on being there through the ish that’s gonna come after).
B. Damn the man. NOT choosing something because everyone else does, is just as bad as choosing something because everyone else does. It’s the same thing. (This includes nixing something because your photos will look “dated.” Um. Go back to your parents’ wedding photos. My favorites are the dated ones.)
C. It’s NOT “just one day.” The whole wedding planning process can be a butt load of fun, too. The key to this is to just suck it up and use your friends if they offer. It may make you feel super guilty handing over those envelopes to stuff and the hankies to fold, but damn, is it nice to have a second to breathe. Working with friends and family was the best part of our wedding. I may be exaggerating (having a husband is pretty awesome, too). But making all of the little details together brought about some of the best, most memorable moments of the wedding process. I couldn’t afford a veil, so my mom and I learned how to make one and shopped for the fabric together. We catered the reception ourselves, so I had hours of prep and set-up the day before with both families and tons of caring, awesome volunteers. Sure, we were exhausted by the end of the night. But I never knew you could laugh so much while setting up folding chairs and coffee pots. Not to mention, it makes everyone feel so involved in the day… almost take ownership of it, really. And all of those little details are made meaningful when you don’t just see cupcakes, but you see cupcakes-that-Amanda-iced and memories of flour-covered-kitchens. (sorry about the novel, Meg… I could go on and on here)
D. Have a deadline. Planning everything ourselves meant that we were building, creating, and setting up til Saturday evening. But I gave myself a cut off. After 9pm, no more wedding planning. Seriously. All that night, all the next day, no “planning” allowed. Whatever was left on the to-do list was dropped (some of it was “important”!), and I soaked my little feet and packed my suitcase for honeymoon.
I love this advice, from the engagement to the gift opening and everything in between I want my wedding to be about our amazing families and wonderful friends not just about me, or him because the guests that are at the wedding are the reason we are who we are today.I love the planning process with these important people involved and I need to remember to lean on them when I need it and to be ok with asking for help and giving up control when I need to.I also think that setting a deadline and being organized will be extremely important.Getting things done early so that I am not stressed around the wedding day will be a very important priority.I also think I get too caught up in my wedding being different and unique and I think Liz makes a good point that just because something has been done before doesn’t mean it is no longer a good idea.Hopefully I can keep this advice in mind as the months until the wedding get shorter and shorter.
My fondue get-together with my bridesmaids was a blast! Even though the fondue didn't go as planned (we needed some kind of alcohol you get at a hardware store to light the stupid thing) the rest of the food was great.
We started by looking at dresses and they each got a feel for what I am thinking (wear what you want as long as it looks good), and I got to see what they like (pockets and prints). It was a fun playful way for everyone to meet and a great way to break the ice.
After that, we all came to my house and finished making the snacks together. I was the ring leader so I gave everyone jobs and together we finished what would have taken me hours in just a few minutes.
It was a wonderful day and everyone meshed so well! I have an amazing group of friends standing up for me and we all had a great time together. I have a feeling there is a lot more to come!
I forgot to get a picture of us (major bummer), but I did snap a few pics of the desert table before everyone came over. What do you think? Not too bad for my first try.
If you are wondering what happened to the pink treat on the far left tray all I can say is so am I. They were even but I think a little Brett monster might have gotten to one.
Hello Lover! These will absolutely be on my tootsies on wedding day if: A. I don't get the ruffly dress (I am down to two options...yay) or B. I feel that I can pull them off with the ruffly dress. They are $140 which is way more then I ever spend on shoes (love shoes, but find I love having as many as possible more then having a few expensive ones), but I figure a girl only gets married once. Plus they are less then the fuchsia number I posted about here.
I am having all of my bridesmaids over on Saturday to meet each other. We will be trying on dresses, eating some good food and with this group probably laughing a lot. I am going to put together an Amy Atlas inspired dessert table for the day. There will only be seven people so it will be a mini-dessert table, but I wanted to try my first one on an un-intimidating crowd. I will be putting together a red and white one for the rehearsal dinner, a nut bar for the cocktail hour and another for a baby shower coming up, so hopefully I am decent at the endeavor. Being a perfectionist, I am hoping that it doesn’t look too amateur. It will be pink and white to give me some ideas for the red and white rehearsal dinner piece. Wish me luck!
I am a Milwaukee bride planning a wedding that is everything we are as a couple. It will not have a theme or even a color scheme but it will have a feeling that is all its own. I have always loved all things Wedding and can't wait to plan every last detail of our special day!