I love every minute of wedding planning. Yes, there are the mental roadblocks and the endless hours searching online for the perfect item and the stress of making sure every detail is in place. But, I love every detail. I love the research. I love it all!
However, I do have to admit that with the rest of life in the mix it can get a little (ok, a lot) overwhelming. With work, family, friends and just life in general getting in the way it can be a bit daunting to plan the most amazing wedding ever on top of it all. This past week I had two major events for work, had just arrived home from an extremely fun (but long) road trip, had no internet for four days straight, an engagement party the following weekend, impending knot deadlines, and no posts ready for the blog. Also, my hometown church sent the wrong letter to our wedding location so I need to once again ask them to revise it. To top it all off I tried on more dresses and I am now more confused then before and the clock is ticking.
I finally hit a point this past weekend where all of the blogs piled up in my Google reader, the Knot To-do list staring at me with big red alarm clocks screaming, "You are LATE LATE LATE," and my pile of unread wedding magazines on the coffee table all got to be too much. It was no longer fun, it was no longer thrilling, and I was feeling very discouraged. The funny part is that I wasn’t even that upset about all the to-do's and tasks awaiting me. I was upset that I was, for the first time, feeling as though these tasks were work. I was upset with myself for having so much piled up and not really knowing where to start.
All this worry created a nasty knot in my shoulder which Brett had to massage and a heating pad was in order to melt away the tension. So many other brides before me have complained about wedding planning being a pain or a chore and I always said it would never be that way for me because I enjoyed it all too much.

Note to bridesmaids: remind me to book one of these the week of the wedding or this stress knot thing could get ugly!
Then as we were driving home last night it hit me, it's ok if the wedding planning is a little too much at times. It is ok to fall behind a little, and it is ok if I don’t love every little second of the process. Some things might not be fun. The red alarm clocks can wait. I will get to the 200 posts in my Google reader. I will post on this little blog and move on from the missed entries. I will find a florist, the DJ will get booked, and (cross my fingers) I will find the perfect dress. Sometimes I just need to take a deep breath and realize…it will all be ok.
So tonight I will be vegging in front of the TV, watching the new fall line-up, eating a big bowl of ice cream, and enjoying my 200 posts piled up in Google reader. I am not going to worry about getting through all of them, just enjoying the ones I do read. I will move through this one little task at a time.

(Wedding Paper Divas)
However, I do have to admit that with the rest of life in the mix it can get a little (ok, a lot) overwhelming. With work, family, friends and just life in general getting in the way it can be a bit daunting to plan the most amazing wedding ever on top of it all. This past week I had two major events for work, had just arrived home from an extremely fun (but long) road trip, had no internet for four days straight, an engagement party the following weekend, impending knot deadlines, and no posts ready for the blog. Also, my hometown church sent the wrong letter to our wedding location so I need to once again ask them to revise it. To top it all off I tried on more dresses and I am now more confused then before and the clock is ticking.
I finally hit a point this past weekend where all of the blogs piled up in my Google reader, the Knot To-do list staring at me with big red alarm clocks screaming, "You are LATE LATE LATE," and my pile of unread wedding magazines on the coffee table all got to be too much. It was no longer fun, it was no longer thrilling, and I was feeling very discouraged. The funny part is that I wasn’t even that upset about all the to-do's and tasks awaiting me. I was upset that I was, for the first time, feeling as though these tasks were work. I was upset with myself for having so much piled up and not really knowing where to start.
All this worry created a nasty knot in my shoulder which Brett had to massage and a heating pad was in order to melt away the tension. So many other brides before me have complained about wedding planning being a pain or a chore and I always said it would never be that way for me because I enjoyed it all too much.

Note to bridesmaids: remind me to book one of these the week of the wedding or this stress knot thing could get ugly!
Then as we were driving home last night it hit me, it's ok if the wedding planning is a little too much at times. It is ok to fall behind a little, and it is ok if I don’t love every little second of the process. Some things might not be fun. The red alarm clocks can wait. I will get to the 200 posts in my Google reader. I will post on this little blog and move on from the missed entries. I will find a florist, the DJ will get booked, and (cross my fingers) I will find the perfect dress. Sometimes I just need to take a deep breath and realize…it will all be ok.
So tonight I will be vegging in front of the TV, watching the new fall line-up, eating a big bowl of ice cream, and enjoying my 200 posts piled up in Google reader. I am not going to worry about getting through all of them, just enjoying the ones I do read. I will move through this one little task at a time.

(Wedding Paper Divas)